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Jul 21

Employee Spotlight: Rade Bogavac, Business Development Manager

Welcome to our first edition of our #AkorbiFridaySpotlight, where we take a moment each week to recognize the incredible people who power Akorbi.

Today, we are excited to shine a spotlight on Rade Bogavac, a valued member of our team who plays a critical role as one of our Business Development Managers. We have asked Rade a series of thought-provoking questions to provide you with a glimpse into the person behind the job title.


What are your favorite things about working at Akorbi?

Rade: I find that an environment that is supporting employees for who they are instead of focusing on their job titles is what makes Akorbi stand out from the others. That is the motivation I have every day before signing in on my workstation.

What does your day day-to-day look like?

Rade: I start every day with a fresh new plan. The majority of my days are spent in constant communication with key stakeholders on the client side and individuals in charge of delivering various projects within Akorbi. Because my clients' portfolios are distributed across many industries, each day is similar in infrastructure but unique in experience. One of the highlights are the in-person events where I get to meet with many industry professionals that add value to my current knowledge and make the right connections to contribute to Akorbi's growth.

Who motivates me?

Rade: People would say Queen Elizabeth or Daniel Craig, or maybe some great thought leader, but that is not the case. It might seem funny, but the person who has endured the most in her life and gone through crises and wars, and stood tall in spite of all the challenges of life- is my grandma. Her 12-year-old dog died just this Sunday, and the entire family (more than 30 members) was in mourning and shared their grief. There is a lesson in there, people will remember you always for what kind of human you are and have been throughout life.

The second person would me my son, who just started walking, so he motivates me to run a lot.

Fun fact about me?

Rade: I learned most of my Spanish from the Telenovelas (Romantic Latino Shows) that were aired on our local channels and were produced by the famous Televisa Presenta(that was the intro I remember probably not the real name of the Production house) - so at the age of 7 one of the most common phrases I used in my household used to be 'Deja me en paz, bruja desgraciada', 'no te amo, mentirosa' and I used to have a crush at the famous Kassandra.


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